Anglų kalbos pamokėlė nr. 9 DAYS A WEEK
2012-12-26 16:37 Peržiūros : 804 SpausdintiTEXT
The average working week in the US has increased by four hours in the last 30 years to over 45 hours. In extreme cases people have died as a result of working too long hours. The Japanese have a special name for it - karoshi. In one recorded case a man did not have one day off work, or even dinner with his family for seventeen months. He only slept between 30 minutes and two-and-a-half hours a night, and by the time he killed himself he was working until 6.30 a.m. once every three days.
© GYRO PHOTOGRAPHY/amanaimages/Corbis
average - vidutinis
increase - padidėti
extreme case - ypatingas atvejis
recorded - įregistruotas
day off work - išeiginė diena
Choose the preposition that each group of verbs below is used with:
1. for/of apologize, be late, vote, wait
2. at/in invest, participate, be interested, be included\
3. of/with agree, be satisfied, comply
4. from/on comment, depend, focus, work
1. for 2. at 3. with 4. on
Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.
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O kam duodami atsakymai? :) Jie turėtų būti kažkaip labiau užslaptinti:)
2010-12-07 10:11