Anglų kalbos pamokėlė nr. 12 CURRICULUM VITAE
2013-01-16 08:45 Peržiūros : 671 SpausdintiTEXT
CV, actually, stands for ‘Curriculum Vitae', which is Latin 'the story of my life'. But CV is the term people use for a business like document, which tells people what you have done in education, what you've done at work and, possibly, some of your interests, so that they can decide whether they might offer you an interview for a job and your skills and abilities. My skills and abilities - because I made my CV skill-based, more skill-based, and I put - the first point is IT and communication, because, I think, nowadays the employers look for IT and communication skills. Then, planning and organizing, business skills, writing skills, research, and after that teamwork and adaptation and flexibility.
Term - terminas
Education - išsilavinimas
Abilities - gebėjimai
Whether - ar
Employers - darbdaviai
Research - tyrinėti, nagrinėti
Flexibility - lankstumas
Match the following words into three groups: A - skills, B - hobbies, C- both
1. driving 2. travelling 3. word-processing 4. communicating in English 5. sightseeing 6. collecting stamps 7. surfing the Net 8. writing business letters 9. swimming 10. jogging
A - 3, 8; B - 2, 5,6,10; C - 1, 4, 7, 9;
Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can. ~Danny Kaye
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