Anglų kalbos pamokėlė nr. 22 THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT
2013-03-27 08:05 Peržiūros : 922 SpausdintiTEXT
The personnel department is responsible for hiring the best possible candidate for an open position. Often hundreds of applicants apply for an open position. In order to save time, the personnel department often uses a number of methods to select applicants who they would like to interview. Your cover letter and resume must be perfect in order to ensure that you will not be looked over because of a minor mistake. This unit focuses on the various documents required for a successful job application, as well as interviewing techniques and appropriate vocabulary to use in your resume, cover letter and during the job interview itself.
personnel department - kadrų skyrius
position - postas, pareigos
apply for - kreiptis dėl darbo
cover letter - motyvacinis laiškas
resume - gyvenimo aprašymas
appropriate - tinkamas, būdingas
Match the questions with an appropriate reply:
1. Do you know each other? a Yes, that's right.
2. How are things? b No, it was easy getting here.
3. I have an appointment with Mr Linberg. c Fine, thanks.
4. Did you have any problems finding us? d I'll see if he's in his office.
5. Your appointment is for 11:00, isn't it? e We've never met actually.
1-e; 2-c; 3-d; 4-b; 5-a.
Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they're looking for ideas. ~Paula Poundstone
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