Anglų kalbos pamokėlė nr. 3 MOTIVATION
2012-11-14 08:01 Peržiūros : 851 Spausdinti
According to a recent survey, 45% of British managers think they have too much work. Around 36% say that they have about the right volume of work to do, and just 19% feel that they can do more work.
Many managers are happy to work hard. However, the survey discovered some problems: many top bosses work over 14 hours more a week than it says in their contract. Of course, they do not relax and see their family at the weekend. Also, low levels of energy mean that it is difficult for managers to motivate their own staff.
One answer to the problem of worker motivation is to change to more flexible ways of working. Some companies are introducing different ideas, such as: working part time, employing temporary staff, introducing flexitime, job sharing, having a career break, working longer hours for four days a week, and allowing employees to work at home. In the future, 'flexible working' could be one solution to the problem of lack of energy and motivation.
Survey - apklausa
Staff - personalas
Temporary - laikinas
Flexitime - lankstus darbo grafikas
Share - dalintis
Employees - darbuotojai
Solution - sprendimas
Lack (of) - trūkumas
Complete the following table.
to motivate |
motivation |
to discover |
to relax |
to introduce |
to allow |
to solve |
Answers: discovery, relaxation, introduction, allowance, solution;
We know nothing about motivation. All we can do is write books about it. ~Peter Drucker
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