Anglų kalbos pamokėlė nr. 19 MEETINGS
2013-03-06 09:05 Peržiūros : 568 SpausdintiTEXT
According to recent research , managers spend one day a week in meetings. So why are there so many meetings. Participants may stimulate each other through group discussion - what is known as the energy effect. Meetings are efficient, democratic way to communicate and enable people to make better decisions. But most meetings are held to avoid individual responsibility. If a wrong decision is made, fault is spread over all committtee members. The second problem is that when tasks require imagination, groups rather than individuals working alone produce poorer decisions. So most research shows that in problem-solving and creative tasks, people perform better on their own.
research - tyrimas
participants - dalyviai
efficient - veiksmingas
enable - suteikti galimybę
spread - skleisti, platinti
imagination - vaizduotė
creative - kūrybingas
Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.
1. do a. a meeting
2. hold b. the blame
3. make c. the unnecessary
4. take d. a task
5. perform e. a decision
1-c, 2-a, 3-e, 4-b, 5-d,
Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. ~Author Unknown
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