Anglų kalbos pamokėlė nr. 13 COVERING LETTERS
2013-01-23 08:25 Peržiūros : 602 SpausdintiTEXT
They are desperately important. The covering letter has got to earn readership for the CV. And many employers, many consultants, many employment agents read to reject - they only read until the point they find something they can reject you for.
So, you need to keep every document saying positive things, true things that you're proud of, and your excellences, your good points must come out, not necessarily by exaggerating them, but just by mentioning them. Include languages into the CV - now it is very important. You might even get a new job just because you are fluent in some obscure dialect.
Desperately - labai
covering letter - kartu pridedamas laiškas
reject - atmesti
proud of - didžiuotis
exaggerating - perdėti, išpūsti
fluent - laisvai kalbėti
obscure - sunkiai suprantamas
What are the names of the professions, that derive from the following verbs:
1. consult 2. write 3. act 4. manage 5. teach 6. invent 7. assist 8. design 9. operate 10. drive
1. consultant 2. writer 3. actor/actress 4. manager 5.teacher 6. inventor 7. assistant 8. designer 9. operator 10. driver
Learn all you can from the mistakes of others. You won't have time to make them all yourself. ~Alfred Sheinwold
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