Anglų kalbos pamokėlė nr. 21 TEMPORARY WORK
2013-03-20 08:40 Peržiūros : 709 SpausdintiTEXT
Temporary work is when an employer takes on workers for a short time to meet a sudden rush of work. Employees will be given a short-term contract for their work. For employers, temporary workers provide more flexibility; when demand for their product or service falls, they can quickly reduce their wage bill. However, sometimes temporary workers lack the skills or motivation that they need. Recent European legislation also gives temporary staff who have worked for a period of time in one organisation similar rights to holidays, equal pay,etc. as full-time employees.
temporary - laikinas
take on - priimti į darbą
flexibility - lankstumas
demand - paklausa
lack - trūkumas
legislation - įstatymai
Match the verbs with the nouns:
1. take on a) requirements
2. sign b) the bill
3. lack c) workers
4. meet d) contract
5. reduce e) skills
1.-c); 2- d); 3.-e); 4.-a); 5.-b);
If you want work well done, select a busy man - the other kind has no time. ~Elbert Hubbard
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niekinė pamoka pradedantiems . Man per vėlu mokytis - tačiau , jei imčiau pamokass tai iš Natašos Kuper , kadangi neblogai moku rusų kalbą ,- vot ten tai stilius ,- tai metodai Jai skiriu 10 iš 10 Norintiems susipažinti ; Štai tokios pamokos turėtų būt , aš paėmiau tik įvadą kuris nemokamas , o toliau reikia -,,raskošelica'' norint savintis žinias .
2011-09-15 08:08